Wednesday, April 30, 2014

PCOS Natural Home Remedies!

PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 1:
 The Best Diet for PCOS
Sugary foods should be banished. Insulin Resistance Syndrome can develop overtime as a result of too many rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome is a condition in which the body is not able to effectively control blood sugar levels and weight gain. In women suffering from PCOS, it is an underlying problem. In Insulin Resistance Syndrome, the body is also not able to use carbohydrates for energy and starts storing them as fat.
In order to follow the best PCOS diet, the following basic tips should be considered.
- Low GI carbohydrates should be balanced with sufficient protein. 
- Dairy products should be avoided or limited. 
- Additives, food chemicals and preservatives should be avoided. 
- Alcohol and caffeine should be avoided. 
- Sugar should be avoided. 
- 2 liters of filtered water should be consumed daily. 
- Essential fatty acids should be included in diet.

PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 2: 
Supplements and PCOS
Many women lack important minerals and vitamins for hormone health. A great imbalance between numerous minerals and vitamins are created when oral contraceptive pills are taken for the regulation of periods. The root cause of PCOS can be treating by correcting this imbalance.

For PCOS, supplements with the following ingredients should be considered:

- Amino acids N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and L-arginine 
- B Vitamins 
- Chromium 
- Co-enzyme Q10 
- Diindolylmethane (DIM) 
- Magnesium 
- Zinc

PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 3: 
Herbs and PCOS
PCOS can be effectively treated using herbs. The addition of supplements and making changes help with balancing blood sugar levels and controlling weight while the problems related to hormone imbalance are targeted by herbs.

The following herbs should be considered:

- Chaste tree (Vitex Agnus castus): The function of the pituitary gland is stimulated and normalized by this herb to help treat infertility and PCOS. 
Nature's Way Vitex (Chaste Tree),  400 mg, 100 Capsules (Pack of 2)
where to buy it: can be bought at walmart or here on amazon:

- Peony and Licorice: The combination of these herbs can help regulate hormones like oestrogen and prolactin, improves LH to FSH ratio and reduces elevated levels of androgens like testosterone. 
Peony & Licorice Teapills (Shao Yao Gan Cao Wan), 200 ct, Plum Flower
bought it on amazon for myself here :

- Maca is an herb that can help cure PCOS symptoms like acne, hirsutism, irregular menstrual cycles and also insulin resistance. 
Organic Maca 800mg - 100 Tablets
can be bought on amazon here:

- Gymnema is an herb that can help reduce sugar and carbohydrate cravings 
NOW Foods Gymnema Sylvestre 400mg, 90 VCaps
can be bought on amazon here:

- Tribulus is an herb that helps regulate ovulation and restore menstrual regularity.(recommended use on day 5-14 of your cycle.) 
IForce Tribulus 2400 , 90-Count
Bought it on amazon here:

- Blue Cohosh is an herb that acts as a pelvic anti-inflammatory and an ovarian and uterine tonic.(not safe during pregnancy)
Solaray Blue Cohosh Root 500mg - 100 Capsules
can be bought here:

More about the benefits of Tribulus on Fertility for men and women :

PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 4:
 Other Natural PCOS Treatments

- Congestion can be reduced with the help of lymphatic drainage. Exercise like rebounding, massage and skin brushing should be tried. 
- For pain relief, linseed and castor oil packs should be tried. 
- The most appropriate homeopathic medicines for the treatment of PCOS can be obtained with a prescription from a naturopath or homeopath. 
- Natural progesterone cream can be tried. The dose depends on the imbalances and symptoms. 
- Acupuncture can also help treat PCOS. Some acupuncture points are used for breaking up stagnation, moving blood and stopping pain.

PCOS Natural Treatment Remedy 5: 
Exercise and PCOS

For women suffering from PCOS, fitness and insulin resistance can be improved by introducing a regular exercise program, and a healthy weight can also be maintained this way. Some exercises that can help treat PCOS and its symptoms include aerobics, cycling, Pilates, power-walking and swimming.
If you are suffering from PCOS, now is the time you empower yourself and try out these mentioned 5 realistic PCOS natural treatment remedies.

where i got the information:

**I just bought the tribulus and peony and licorice supplements i will review if they helped me at the end of my cycle.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Update on Pregnitude and Fertility!

So this is a fertility update on Pregnitude:

Well I've been on Pregnitude for one cycle so far and I have some bad news :/, It didn't get me pregnant this month. I don't want to make you think that means the supplement doesn't work because the studies on this supplement were done for a 3 month period and during the 3 months is when the participants got pregnant/got healthier, so since I've only been on the supplement for one cycle, I can't say the product doesn't work. I'm sure it takes time and in fact i think it has helped me with some pcos symptoms already, which I talked about in my previous blog post. So needless to say I'm disappointed, but it's a process and it's a process I just started, so i'm giving it more time. In the meantime though, I'm going to make an appointment and get some blood-work done and see how my blood-work is turns out and check that I don't need something taken care of other then pcos, that could be messing with my fertility and hormones. I think it's just pcos, but it could just be a hormonal imbalance from other things like a thyroid problem or adrenal problem so that is my next step along with continuing to take the pregnitude supplement this month and we will see what happens. Fingers crossed this is my month for a little baby :). I will update soon on blood-test results and any other new information I think will be helpful for you guys! Always know that you are not alone in your struggles and that your time will come when you will finally have a little family of your own or be at the healthy weight you have been striving to get too or getting the goal blood-test results you've been trying to get down :) I'm here to tell you, you will get there and never give up!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pregnitude Updated Review and My BBT Chart!

Pregnitude Review Update:

Hey guys! I wanted to do a little update on the Supplement I've been taking called Pregnitude. I noticed while off the supplement for a few days because I ran out, that it drastically effects my skin and hair growth. While off the supplement I noticed all these pimples cropping up on my chin ( the hormonal pimple zone) and the hair growth on my face that was lessened from the supplement started to grow back again. Then right when i started the supplement again my pimples started to dry up and my hair is now again not causing me trouble. Also while off the supplement I noticed if I ate any kinds of carbs(which I eat very few) I got bloated and felt drowsy, I was having trouble digesting them and it started to make me gain weight again. But once I was back on the Pregnitude, I was less bloated, I had more energy and the little carbs I do eat aren't causing me problems and I lost the 2lbs I had gained while off the supplement. I just wanted to tell you guys that this supplement really is working for me! I will of course keep you updated on the fertility side of things also,but this is what I've noticed from the supplement as of late.


1.Helps me Digest Carbs better
2.Helps my body feel more energized
3.Less facial/body hair growth
5.Clearer Skin

Still Waiting For Results:
1. If it in fact made me Ovulate
2. If I conceived this month

Possible Pregnancy Symptoms As of Now:
1. Tender Breasts/heaviness
2. Elevated BBT for 7 days now
3. Occasional Fatigue
4. Occasional Heartburn
5. Occasional Cramping

Expected Period date: Anywhere between 5/2-5/6

If I'm not pregnant though my cycle has been longer then usual, while on Pregnancy Prep I would get my period between 31 cycle days - 36 cycle days. I'm now at cycle day 42...and counting. But according to my temperatures that's because I ovulated later on cycle day 35, so we will see if i get a positive pregnancy test between 12 dpo-16 dpo(days past ovulation).

My BBT (Basal Body Temperature) Chart:

 **I have some missing Temperatures due to a vacation I took with my Fiance' from Apr 5-10. We went to Bermuda. :) Which I heard Travel can throw off your ovulation cycle, so maybe that's why it was later then usual.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Pregnitude Review!

I've been taking Pregnitude for a month now for my pcos and here's my review on it :):

The Box Comes with 60 packets they tell you to dissolve 1 pkt in 8 oz of water once in the morning and once at night. I didn't enjoy putting it in water as much, not because of the taste,but because the granules didn't dissolve right away. I asked a doctor if i could dissolve it in hot tea or coffee and he said yes that i could drink it however i'd like so that was terrific! I had it in my morning coffee and then at night in a hot tea and it dissolved quickly and it has no flavor so it's like it's not even there.
Another thing i noticed is i haven't gained weight while on the pregnitude, which is really nice because with pcos it is easy to put on weight and the pregnitude is supposed to help with losing weight.We went on a cruise and i was eating more then i normally would at home and still didn't gain weight, so i knowthe pregnitude has been helping my body metabolize food better. I'm still waiting to see if it has helped me get pregnant this month, i haven't gotten my period yet, which is a good sign, plus i've been cramping, my bbt has risen , i've felt slightly naseous here and there and my breasts have been tender along with the occastional headache, i don't want to get my hopes up though because i've been tricked by symptoms before, so I'll be taking a test soon to see whether this has been my miracle supplement. :) I have just repurchased this product and i will continue to monitor the results it brings !
For any of you who don't know what pregnitude is, it's a supplement with 2000mcg myo-inositol and 200mcg follic acid to help with pcos symptoms,ferility,ovulation, and cycle regulation. If you are just looking to regulate your cycle though pregnancy prep works great at that because of the chaste berry in it, which i mentioned in a prior blog post. :)
I will put up a update on whether or not i'm pregnant soon (fingers crossed) and wishing all the tcc girls out their tons of luck and BFP's in your future along with sticky vibes ~ <3

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Review Of the FITBIT FLEX! :)

Hey Guys, Sorry I've been gone for a while. I went on vacation, but just recently for my birthday I asked to get the FITBIT FLEX bracelet and this is my review on it:

1. It's waterproof and can be worn in the shower
2. It's good at tracking steps
3. It does pretty well at tracking sleep and restlessness
4. It's Comfortable
5. It connects via wifi to track your goals
6. The dashboard via computer is easy to navigate and easy to log your weight,daily journal and food log.

1. Wish it was thinner/more stylish
2. Wish there was a button rather then tapping it to get it in and out of sleep mode
3. Wish the app would refresh via wifi faster
4. Wish it knew when you were actually asleep
5. Wish it tracked your heartrate and blood pressure
6. Wish the clasp on the back of the band was better like a snap or something easier to take on and off
7. Wish it tracked your exact food intake( like knew how many calories you ate without having to log your food intake daily.)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Normal Workout Routine!

Recently i have started really focusing on working out in addition to my normal healthy eating and i have noticed a difference in my body, but also in how good i feel afterwards. There comes a great happiness with working out, I feel so proud of myself because of how hard I worked, the progress I see ( not just in the body,but in the ability to push harder and see improvement in my heart rate and the ease of doing the exercise compared to when I started.)
Displaying photo.JPG
Here is my Normal Routine right now: (this will change more as i improve)

I workout 2-3 times a week for 1 and 1/2 hours each time.

I started at 30min on the treadmill on random (meaning the incline goes up and down like hills)at lvl 10 at a speed of 3.0

Now I'm at 40 min on the treadmill on random at lvl 14 still at a speed of 3.0 :)

I then depending on the focus for that day either do arms and stomach or i focus on legs.

Arm and Stomach day started as: 16 bicep exercises each arm, 16 tricep exercises each arm, 20 oblique exercises each side, 20 crunch exercises and 20 leg lifts.

Now I do on Arm and Stomach day : 30 biceps each arm, 30 tricep each arm, 40 oblique each side and 60 crunch machine exercises and 37 leg lifts.
<---Leg Lifts ( i do it with a friend, she pushes my legs back down for ressitance.)

At First On Leg day I usually would do 100 outer thigh exercises, 80 inner thigh exercises, and 15 min on a spin bike or 5 minutes on the eliptical.
<--Spin Bike

Now I do on Leg Day 150 outer thigh, 120 inner thigh, and 20 min on a spin bike or 10 min on the eliptical.

My first day working out highest heart rate on the treadmill: 170 bpm
My Normal high heart rate on the treadmill now: 150 bpm :)

 Displaying photo.JPG
Progress is Progress,whether it be on the scale, in inches on your body or in progression of exercises you can do in comparison to when you started. Be Proud Of Yourself :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Some Of My Favorite Healthy Living Documentaries! :)

These movies are very motivational and inspirational, they make you really want to change your diet to eat healthier, change your everyday lifestyle and spread the word to others about how they can make the change too! :)

My Favorite Health Films:

1. Food, Inc.- Great movie that opens your eyes to how much the american food industry has changed for the worst and shows how the people in charge of the FDA are run or funded by a couple large Big Business industries making those businesses basically in charge of regulating their own foods...which in turn allows poor quality food to be made and said to be safe, when in reality they really aren't healthy for the American public. This film shows how our food industry is flawed and is mostly about making money and not about the health and safety of our food supply. But this film also shows that if we the people demand change and refuse to buy some of these products changes will eventually be made.
Food, Inc. (2008) Poster

2. Hungry For Change -Food Matter examines how the food we eat can help or hurt our health. Nutritionists, naturopaths, doctors, and journalists weigh in on topics like organic food, food safety, raw foodism, and nutritional therapy.The Film also exposes shocking secrets about diet and weight loss that the food industries don't want you to know, telling you about their deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what's keeping you from having the body and health you deserve.
Hungry for Change (2012) Poster

3.Forks Over Knives: Examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.
Forks Over Knives (2011) Poster

4.Food Matters: "Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine, And Thy Medicine Be Thy Food." - Hippocrates That is the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in this brave new documentary film brought to you by Producer-Directors James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch. 'Food Matters' is a hard hitting, fast paced look at our current state of health. Despite the billions of dollars of funding and research into new so-called cures we continue to suffer from a raft of chronic ills and every day maladies. Patching up an over-toxic and over-indulgent population with a host of toxic therapies and nutrient sparse foods is definitely not helping the situation. In a personal quest of discovery James & Laurentine together with a film crew and the editorial and production expertise of Enzo Tedeschi have set out on an independent mission to uncover the wholesome truth. The filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer. 'Food Matters' seeks to uncover the business of disease and at the same time explore the safe, cheap and effective use of nutrition and supplementation for preventing and often reversing the underlying causative aspects of the illness. With the premise of the film being: access to solid information helps people invariably make better choices for their health. The 'Food Matters' duo have independently funded the film from start to finish in order to remain as unbiased as possible, delivering a clear and concise message to the world. Food Matters.
Food Matters (2008) Poster

4. Chew On This: Ted Talks : Any of these ted talks are very informative and all about food based facts.Inspiring a new way to think and eat. The one with Jamie Oliver made me cry, its my favorite.

5.Addicted To Plastic: Addicted to Plastic is a documentary focusing on the worldwide production and environmental effects of plastic. The host takes a 2-year trip around the world to give us a better understanding of the life cycle of plastic.
Addicted To Plastic

6.Vanishing Of The Bees: This documentary takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honeybee. The film examines our current agricultural landscape and celebrates the ancient and sacred connection between man and the honeybee. The story highlights the positive changes that have resulted due to the tragic phenomenon known as "Colony Collapse Disorder." To empower the audience, the documentary provides viewers with tangible solutions they can apply to their everyday lives. Vanishing of the Bees unfolds as a dramatic tale of science and mystery, illuminating this extraordinary crisis and its greater meaning about the relationship between humankind and Mother Earth. The bees have a message - but will we listen?
Vanishing of the Bees (2009) Poster

7. More Than Honey: An in-depth look at honeybee colonies in California, Switzerland, China and Australia. Looks at the dewindling bee population.
More Than Honey (2012) Poster

8. The Perfect Human Diet: Looks into many different views of different studies to figure out what is the ideal diet for human beings. With many different new food studies and recommendations these days, figuring out which is fact through which is false is hard, but this man in this film on his mission to figure out the truth finds out that our history speaks volumes and that a low carb meaning ( low breads,processed foods,and low pasta and sweets) is the best way to lose weight, have a high functioning brain and a healthy body. :)
The Perfect Human Diet (2012) Poster

I watched most of these documentaries on Netflix :) They have shaped my views on eating and healthy living. They are powerful films share the ones you enjoy with friends to spread the word about how to live greener and healthier.