Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How To Make Almond Milk - DIY Recipe By Mama Natural

This is a great video because you can make healthy almond milk at home:) and you know everything that goes into it!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pregnitude and how it effected me?

Why Pregnitude didn't work for me?
OK, so remember i was taking pregnitude to possibly help me get pregnant? Well, it wasn't really working for me and i couldn't figure out why, because for women with PCOS it's been highly effective, so i kept thinking how come it's not working for me? Well, then i had my blood taken recently and found out i most likely don't have PCOS, but that my problems are stemming from my hypothyroidism which causes a lot of the same symptoms as PCOS, but without the cysts and insulin resistance. 

How I'm feeling right now:
So Now I'm happy i know whats wrong and I'm happy i have blood tests and other tests that are going to be taken soon... but i'm annoyed because i wish i knew this before when i was pregnant twice....they could have prevented my miscarriages more then likely if i had just been tested for this sooner. But now Its an annoying waiting game with insurance to get authorized for my testing and it's annoying because i need the testing to be done so i can go on medication to normalize my levels and get my cycles normal ... and that means more time that i have to wait til i can try to get pregnant again. It's just frustrating i want the tests now, done in one day all at once, find out the results, put me on medication to normalize everything so i can finally have the baby i've been waiting for. I know i sound impatient... but i try sooo hard to be healthy and eat right and i'm just tired of waiting, I'm ready and i just feel like I'm being held up by dumb procedure...

It's important to me to get healthy and get healthy as fast as possible and right now, things aren't going fast enough for me, i just wish i was on the medication already... But sorry about my rant... I'm just frustrated,which i'm sure you all have felt this way for one reason or another too, but back to the pregnitude so my overall review of the product is that it's good, I think it works if you have a not so serious case of PCOS, especially use it if you have insulin resistance and in conjunction with a low carb diet and exercise, I believe it can be a big help in conceiving, but it just wasn't helpful for me because i don't have insulin resistance and i don't have PCOS which i was told i probably had at one time. It's definately worth a try for people having trouble conceiving with PCOS especially like i said if you have insulin issues.

You'll hear from me soon and hopefully I will have new updates on blood tests and all that jazz and i'll be able to make a game plan for trying to conceive. Hopefully the medication they put me on soon will solve most if not all my issues and i'll have a healthy pregnancy this year. Right now I just have to have even more patience...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Bloodwork Update! My bloodwork, My diagnosis so far and How I'm being treated.

So i went to a follow up appointment after i got my bloodwork done and it turns out I don't have hyperactive thyroid , but i have underactive thyroid, the receptionist over the phone told me the wrong thing. Which is fine, I'm just glad I know and below is my bloodtest results and How I'm going to fix the problems.

Here are my official numbers:

17-OH Progesterone LCMS- 64
Adult Female Normal Range:
Follicular(before ovulation) - 15-70
Luteal(after ovulation)- 35-290

Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy- 20.4
This was flagged as really low
Normal range: 30.0-100

Thyroxine(T4) free direct S- 1.25
Normal range: 0.82-1.77

TSH- 4.740
Flagged as High
Normal range: 0.450-4.5

Testosterone Serum- 73
Flagged as High
Normal Range- 8-48

Lipid Panel:

Cholesterol total: 175
Normal range: 100-189

HDL Cholesterol: 46
Normal Range: >39

LDL Cholesterol: 82
Normal Range:0-119

Triglycerides: 235
Flagged as High
Normal range: 0-114

VLDL Cholesterol Cal: 47
Flagged as High
Normal Range: 5-40

Recap of Results:

So after all those numbers the results mean I have low vitamin D, hypothyroidism, High testosterone but not high enough for medication ( they prescribe that once it's over twice the normal limit), and High triglycerides, but normal progesterone and normal HDL and LDL Cholesterol.


Right now I'm on 50,000 IU once a week Vitamin D to get my levels into the normal range and i have to go see an endocrinologist for my thyroid which i found out could be caused by my Mccune Albright Syndrome and I have to get more blood work done once i see that endocrinologist and I have to get an MRI on my Brain to make sure my pituitary gland isn't causing problems with my hormones and my thyroid. They will then give me a medication that will help with the thyroid problem. Which I'm hoping will clear up my irregular cycles.

My Upcoming appointments:

Endocrinologist: June 27 at 12:30

MRI- has to be done before the 19th of June
I'm in the middle of getting authorization from the insurance company

Obgyn Appointment: June 30 at 10:30 am
hopefully to get provera to get my period because it didn't come this month
an upcoming review on Pregnitude is coming up soon

***Once I start the medication for my thyroid I will review it and tell how it helped my problems.
