Sunday, May 18, 2014

3 Supplements to slow the Aging Process!


1. Co Enzyme Q10 – 
This is a supplement you can find in most health food stores. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect our cells from free radical damage. Our cells can become damaged by environmental toxins, food toxins and chemicals, as well as smoking and over indulging in sugar. By protecting our cells with this powerful nutrient, we can not only slow down the aging process (as damaged cells can age our bodies and our skin) but we can even protect ourselves from diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
2. Vitamin C  
We all know how great it is to load up on Vitamin C during cold and flu season, but Vitamin C actually helps to protect the skin from aging and can prevent wrinkles. Just like Co Enzyme Q 10, Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, but it also helps our body to produce collagen – the main structural protein that is found in all our connective tissue. Without adequate amounts of Vitamin C we can’t produce collagen efficiently, which helps to maintain the tissue of our bones, skin and teeth. This can mean more wrinkles and sagging skin. Be sure to load up on your fruits and veggies, and try supplementing with a whole food form of Vitamin C, such as camu camu, acerola or acai powder. These are great to add to your smoothies!
3. Omega 3s – 
Chia, flax and hemp are all great sources of omega 3s. Not only do omega 3s help to protect your heart and ease pain and inflammation, but they help to lubricate your skin internally. This can help give your skin that much needed glow. Omega 3′s can also help with skin issues such as dryness, eczema or psoriasis. You can also find omega 3s in wild fish and fish oil supplements.

These Supplements are not only great for anti-aging, but also for hormone regulation and fertility. :) Make sure you get your proper nutrients everyday, they do a host of helpful things to keep your body healthy!

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